Ashford Spinning, Weaving, Carding, Felting & Fibre
209 products
Ashford Corriedale Fibre Pack - 100gm Bag Ashford Needle Felting Kits Ashford E-Spinner 3 ESP3 Ashford Corriedale Sliver Theme Pack - 100gm Bag Ashford Felting Needles Ashford Bobbins Ashford Reed Knitter's Loom 50cm/20in RDKL5 Ashford Joy Spinning Wheel 2 Ashford Corriedale Sliver - 100gm Bag (30 Micron) Ashford Reed Rigid Heddle Loom 60cm/24in RDRH6 Ashford Spinning Wheel Maintenance Kit MK Ashford E-Spinner 3 Tension Spring Small - TSPS10 Ashford Handcard Standard 72 PPSI 220 x 125mm - HCL Ashford Reed Rigid Heddle Loom 40cm/16in RDRH4 Ashford Needle Felting - Felting Foam NFF15 Ashford Drop Spindles Ashford Inkle Loom & Inklette Loom Ashford Tension Springs - TSP10 (each) Ashford e-Ball Winder - EBW Ashford Rigid Heddle Loom Freedom Roller RHFR Ashford 9mm Reducer Bush BR15P Ashford Fringe Twister FT4 Ashford Niddy Noddy Ashford Knitters Loom Ashford SampleIt Loom Ashford Kiwi 3 Spinning Wheel Carry Bag - KSW3CB Ashford Basic Jumbo Flyer with Bobbin - BJFU Ashford High Speed Double Drive Whorl - HSDDW Ashford E-Spinner Super Jumbo ESPSJ Ashford Wooden Threading Hook Laquered WTHLP Ashford Warp Stick Ties WSTP Ashford Eight Shaft Table Loom With Shuttle Race Ashford Pick Up Sticks Ashford Stick Shuttles Ashford Reed Rigid Heddle Loom 80cm/32in RDRH8 Ashford Booklet - Learn to Weave on the Table Loom LTWTL Ashford Book of Hand Spinning ABHS Ashford Booklet - Learn to Weave on the Rigid Heddle Loom LTWRH Ashford Booklet - Learn to Weave on the Sampleit Loom LTWSL Ashford Lazy Kate Wires LKWIREP Ashford Lazy Kate Wires LKWIREP$4.00$4.00Unit price / perAshford Hub Pin - HPIN Ashford Finishing Wax Polish FWP Ashford Drive Band for Kiwi Spinning Wheels - DBKSW2P Ashford Spinning Chair Ashford Yarn Gauge - YG Ashford Spinning Wheel Oil BTO Ashford Drive Band Cotton DDRVBP Ashford Front Replacement Bearing - BRESP3P